Hidden Dangers of Fluoride on the Kidneys


6/20/20232 min read

brown wooden spoon with red and brown beans
brown wooden spoon with red and brown beans


Fluoride, a naturally occurring element found in water and certain minerals, has long been promoted for its positive impact on dental health. However, recent research spanning nearly a century reveals a concerning link between excessive fluoride consumption and kidney damage in both humans and animals. The kidneys, except for the pineal gland, are exposed to higher concentrations of fluoride than any other soft tissues in the body. This exposure has been found to contribute to immediate adverse effects on the tubular area of the kidneys, alterations in urinary ion excretion, disruption of collagen biosynthesis, and inhibition of kidney enzymes.

The Dark Side of Fluoride:

Fluoride, the 13th most abundant chemical element on Earth, is commonly found in igneous and sedimentary rocks. Through water-rock interactions in aquifers, fluoride can make its way into our bodies via consumption of fluoride-contaminated water and diet. Combined with the long-term use of fluoride products could lead to excessive amounts, which can be detrimental, causing deformities in teeth and bones, leading to conditions like dental and skeletal fluorosis, and many other impacts on our organs. Unfortunately, the adverse effects of excess fluoride extend beyond these visible conditions.

Research-backed Health Concerns Associated with Fluoride Overconsumption:

Many studies have shed light on the adverse effects of excess fluoride on human kidneys. Kidney and liver toxicities, increased kidney stones, chronic kidney disease are all linked to excessive fluoride consumption. Recent investigations have highlighted the role of fluoride in chronic kidney disease (CKD), providing credible evidence showing the direct correlation of excessive fluoride with kidney damage. CKD often manifests without noticeable symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. The delayed onset of damaged kidney symptoms contributes to the limited awareness surrounding the toxic effects of fluorides on the kidneys.

One study observed various degrees of fluoride-associated damage to the architecture of tubular epithelia, including cell swelling, lysis, cytoplasmic vacuolation, and apoptosis. Another case-control study conducted on school children exposed to fluoride-contaminated drinking water revealed a higher prevalence of chronic kidney damage compared to children in non-affected areas. Additionally, a cross-sectional study monitoring early kidney injury biomarkers in adults exposed to environmental fluoride indicated potential tubular dysfunction that may increase the risk of developing CKD.

Moreover, a comprehensive review from 1974, emphasized adverse effects on the kidneys caused by acute fluoride exposure and functional disturbances associated with endemic fluorosis. Notably, the breakdown of collagen in the kidneys due to excess fluoride has been found to damage kidney function, contributing to CKD. Furthermore, in vitro studies have demonstrated fluoride's inhibition of kidney enzymes, further impairing kidney function.

Source: Dharmaratne R. Exploring the role of excess fluoride in chronic kidney disease: A review. Human & Experimental Toxicology. 2019;38(3):269-279. doi:10.1177/0960327118814161